Tuesday, March 31, 2015

letter of complain.

Dear editor.
I am writing today to complain of the poor service I received from your company on June 12, 2008. I was visited by a representative of That Awful Company, Mr. Madman, at my home on that day.

Mr. Madman was one hour late for his appointment and offered nothing by way of apology when he arrived at noon. Your representative did not remove his muddy shoes upon entering my house, and consequently left a trail of dirt in the hallway. Mr. Madman then proceeded to present a range of products to me that I had specifically told his assistant by telephone I was not interested in. I repeatedly tried to ask your representative about the products that were of interest to me, but he refused to deal with my questions. We ended our meeting after 25 minutes without either of us having accomplished anything.

I am most annoyed that I wasted a morning (and half a day's vacation) waiting for Mr. Madman to show up. My impression of That Awful Company has been tarnished, and I am now concerned about how my existing business is being managed by your firm. Furthermore, Mr. Madman's inability to remove his muddy shoes has meant that I have had to engage the services, and incur the expense, of a professional carpet cleaner.

I trust this is not the way That Awful Company wishes to conduct business with valued customers—I have been with you since the company was founded and have never encountered such treatment before. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss matters further and to learn of how you propose to prevent a similar situation from recurring. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Do I believe Hector is a good candidate for get the job?

In my own opinion, I think that Hector is a good candidate for have the job, why? because He is a responsible person, he likes to work in team and he Thinks that it's a good idea because you can learn from others and share ideas and points of view, as a result, you can get a best work.
Another thing that we can taking into account its that he has more strengths that other candidate, he never gives up, because he wants to catch all his goals, Fortunately, all the people describes him as a honest, friendly, polite, responsible and more good things related with him.
In this job as a teacher, we need a person who speaks not only english, He would like to teach french, spanish or English, according to the learners that he will have.
His initiative always are increasing and it's an excellent ability that he has.
We absolutely need a teacher like HIM.

This was my report about the interview that I did to my friend Hector Luna. 


Hi bloggers...

How do you feel today? I hope that all are fine, well, at this time  i'm going to write about female ejaculation, probably any of you have heard maybe not, but believe me that is an unbelievable process or I don't know how to describe it.. that a woman can do, or can be processing inside her vagina... 

(FE) is similar to male ejaculation in that it involves the release of fluid from the area around the urethra (that little hole where we pee) during sex or orgasm. This is what we commonly know as squirting. But as with everything in the world, researchers disagree on whether FE and squirting are even the same. 
Some studies described FE as a small amount of thick, whitish fluid released from the Skene’s gland while squirting is simply diluted fluid from the bladder.
What causes it?
Squirting is, supposedly, achieved through stimulation of the ever-elusive G-spot. This highly sensitive area of the vagina is thought to be located on the top wall of the vagina (look below). Many women have reported intense orgasms through direct simulation and pressure on this region.
Considering its location, pressure on the G-spot can cause an intense urge to pee. This causes some alarm for many who think they are wetting the bed, but pee and ejaculate are not the same.
Well, now you can learn things that you didn't know like this, It's a surprising phenomenon, this squirt can be realize with the implement of sex toys, find a suitable position, and also, with Digital Penetration A.K.A “Fingering”. 
I can imagine that a woman enjoy this as never! why? because as you can read, not all of woman can do it, I don't know.  Now you can give it a try. If it doesn’t work the first time, try again. After that, just focus on having good, enjoyable sex. Sex is supposed to be fun and relaxing, not stressful and frustrating. After all, an orgasm, whether wet or dry,

Tell me what do you think! I want to hear you.. COMMENTS :D 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sexual Fantasies...


Do you any time have  thought about what would you like to do related with sex?

If your answer is NO, you could read my article today...

WHY? Because are some fantasies that some people have and could be interest for you! 

1. Bisexual female: My lover takes my urethral virginity with a stainless steel sound._. 

2.Pansexual female: Having sex on top of the astronomy tower in the Harry Potter series. For real. 

3.Heterosexual female: Making passionate love to someone I deeply love. Experiencing many positions, 69 included would be included. The scenery would be in the woods on a mattress. Both my partner and myself would feel completely comfortable, confident, connected, and we would both experience a sense of coalescence. 

4.Heterosexual female: Attend one of those sex shows or fetish gatherings with my partner and just go wild in front of everybody - and the more exotic the better! 

5. Bisexual female: “Being thrown on a desk at work and having crazy fast sex.”

Know, I think that after read this post you are laughing because are really crazy thinks that people want to do with their partners! hahahaha... 
Also, we have to take into account that  the content of people’s sexual fantasies varies considerably and is a topic most of us find “fascinating” to explore in its own right. Probably, not all of us think the same about this, because not all have the same feelings, wishes, etc.. 

Now, I would like that you can write a comment about this topic, do you feel uncomfortable? Tell me what do you think!

Grettings!!!! :D


I'm going to post here an incredible news! Why? because for me, I had never heard or read about that a man can have 2 penis, but is not usually to see, or to heard about.. So, I found a little bit information related with, and obviously I would like to share with you, 

This In medical terms, having two penises is known as diphallus or diphallia, which is an exceedingly rare anatomical variation that is thought to occur in about one out of every 5-6 million births . At least 100 cases of diphallus have been documented in the medical literature over the last 400 years, but the details of each case vary widely. Having a complete duplication of the penis like the guy on Reddit where each one is capable of erection and ejaculation is certainly possible, but highly unusual. Beyond having a duplicate penis, other diphallic configurations include having one penile shaft with two heads at the end, a single penile shaft that splits into two at the midpoint, or one full-size penis accompanied by a small “accessory penis” .

Include that  the second penis is not always functional, sometimes this penis can becoming erect but not all the time have a urinary opening for that reason, the man can not ejaculate or pee.

Can a man be allergic to his own semen?

This probably will be embarrased but I think is interesting that men know this kind of things related with his body..

well, the answerd of the question is: YES. A man can be allergic, it's  really crazy that this can occur but it's true..

In medical terms, this is known as postorgasmic illness syndrome (POIS), It usually involves experiencing flu-like symptoms shortly after each ejaculation (symptoms can set in anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours afterward and they can last for up to a week).
 When men with POIS masturbate or have sex without ejaculating, they do not experience any symptoms at all.
The most common symptoms involve concentration difficulties, fatigue, feeling feverish, being quickly irritated, and having headaches.

Probably, I can find more information about this topic, but for today, It's all that I think is outstanding. 

I send you a huge hug. 

COMMENTS, please. đź’™

¡Very interesting! Ă–

Dear Bloggers! 

Today I'm going to share with you some really really surprising things which are related with past, present, and future of birth control.
I have been reading an articles about birth control but I never imagine that this kind of prevention could exist in our future or existed in the past... 
Read it because you going to have  a face expression like me. Very WOW!  HAHAHA! 

1. In the not-too-distant past, some women used to flush out their vaginas with Coca-Cola after sex in an attempt to prevent pregnancy. Can you imagine doing yourselfs? (woman) It's really incredible that the woman in the past can do it I don't know If this method of prevention was effective but people said that actually worked. Also, subsequent research found that soda isn’t all that effective as a contraceptive and can potentially lead to vaginal infections.

2. Equally disturbing is that Lysol which was a  “feminine hygiene product” was also used as an after-sex douche to prevent pregnancy by some women in the past. Just like Coca-Cola, though, it wasn’t all that effective and had some negative side effects, probably burned like hell. :O 

3. Animal Intestines were the most popular material used for making condoms. Some condoms are still made from this today, but they have largely fallen out of favor because they are costlier to produce than latex. Also, while they may be effective at preventing pregnancy, animal membranes are thought to be too porous to serve as an effective barrier to most sexually transmitted infections.

4. Accounting for human error, the withdrawal method (also known as “pull and pray” or “coitus interruptus”) is almost as effective as condoms at preventing pregnancy.  How can this be? Because people make a lot of mistakes when it comes to using condoms. A man who uses withdrawal will pull his penis out of the vagina before ejaculation: the moment when semen spurts out of his penis. 

well guys,  those were the most relevant things to share with you, I hope you enjoy it and comment! Do you like the post?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

It's time to end the broken Condom...

Hi guys!

Today I'm going to write about this topic 'cause I believe that sometimes all of you have been thinking about this thing! I KNOW! Probably is a thought or feeling like fear for the consequences that can occur after this, but now, you can be quiet, I'm going to show some tips for this... Let's do it!

Condoms are the only contraceptive method that protects while against sexually transmitted infections. The downside is that sometimes breaks during sex. What to do if need be? How to protect yourself?

How to react?

Avoid aggressive hygiene products, stick to wash with warm water. This does not mean you are immediately protected against STDs, but it limits the risk of infection. If some blood, semen or vaginal fluid has come into contact with a wound, desinféctala with alcohol or Betadine. If there is a real risk of infection goes for 48 hours at a center of family prevention to treatment indicate that you should follow to avoid infection. Similarly, you should get tested for HIV during the 15 days and will be repeated every three months mandatory to make sure you have not contracted the AIDS virus.

To prevent pregnancy
If you want to avoid an unwanted pregnancy have no choice and must take the morning after pill.
You have time until fulfilled after having intercourse 72 hours, but it is much better to take it within 12 hours after the accident so that the maximum effectiveness. The longer you take, the less protection guarantee provides the pill.

Some precautions to avoid accidents are that at the moment to open the condom don't open the wrapper with your teeth because could be damage, Also, avoid Scratch when you unroll the condom and put on the limb, take into account that if you use very large condoms It has more posibilites to broke.

Do you have had some experience with this issue?

No problem, now, You know what can you doing... :D

Comments or suggestions please write me down!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Alcohol and drugs combined with sex....

At this moment I was thinking about pregnancy and I said "Why not?" I'm gonna write about this problem and something related with...

Now, I would like to mention some problems or consequences that can occur when we consume drugs and alcohol excessively. Have you been in some place full of this two elements? I think you are very lucky, because most of the girls between 15-18 years old, are looking this moments just for be popular, the reality is that the only thing you are looking for is be hurt, WHY? Let's see...

Being drunk or high can cause you to do sexual things that you wouldn't normally want to do. 
Mixing sex with drugs and alcohol can increase your risk of unintended pregnancy and STDs. 
If you have sex with someone who's drunk or high, it could be considered a crime.

Please my bloggers, Pay attention when you are doing this, because  for one simply reason: not use condoms correctly, you will be mother or father...

;) Huge hug.


Be responsible...


How do you feel today? I guess all good, if not well, just think positive. ;)

Well, this little writing is going to be about how to prevent, How can we be responsible when it's time?.
Safer sex is anything you do to lower the chance of giving or getting STDs. Waiting to have sex, using condoms, and getting tested regularly for STDs makes sex safer. 

Why I want to write about this? well, Nowadays majority of the youths want to experiment what feeling causes have sex, but most of the time they just focus on have and not in prevent... There are many things that sexuality involve, not is just spend and enjoy this moment, well, you can but also think that if you don't safe yourself and your partner will be consequences...

Obviously, not all kinds of sex have the same risks. Vaginal and anal sex are the most likely to spread STDs, oral sex is less likely, and things like kissing, mutual masturbation, and outercourse are even safer. 

Ways  that you can take into account to have safer sex:
 For vaginal sex, use birth control and condoms.
 For anal sex, use condoms and lubricant.
 For oral sex, use a condom to cover the penis.

Have a nice weekend babes! 

Friday, January 23, 2015

It's time to do it?

Hi my bloggers! 

I'm here again this night writing for you, I was thinking what I could share with you, And it's an important thing, IT'S TIME TO DO IT?

Obviously you know what I mean, the main factor in this issue is FEAR. Why? Maybe because we are not prepared for do this kind of things, for this reason, I would like to share with you some things that you can consider firstly of everything...

Your health.
Your goals.
Your school.
Your feelings about yourself.
Your relationship.
The person with whom you are.

Sometimes we get carried away by what others say, Don’t let what you think your friends are doing affect such an important decision, even if you think that you're the only virgin all the times is not true...  you need to think about it my friend! 

To summarise, worth noting that If it's your first time you need to be confortable yourself and You and your partner will do what you need to do, like using condoms, dams, and getting tested, to prevent STDs.

Have a good night babes, see you! 

Hugs. :D

First thing about your sexuality...

"Free time enjoyable"

Probably, most of the times when we had been listened about sex, is like surprising moment because all the time exist at least one person who thinks that we are sinning or something like this because her/his thoughts are different  nowadays.

well, yes it is, sex is a huge topic because we can talk and I can write lots and lots articles to inform, and is not with the purpose for convince you have a relationship, much less to have intimacy with your partner, I just want to make you spend a good and informative time.
Now, I think that you're reading this article for looking interesting information right? and I'm just writing a sermon for not sin, hahaha but, before this I would like to make clear my thoughts and I hope to not make you feel uncomfortable.

Most sexperts like us believe "sex" includes any or all of the above.
However you define it, being sexual with another person takes a lot of responsibility. Before you have sex, think about what things you feel comfortable doing, and if there are consequences to them (like STDs or pregnancy). It's just as important to think about what you DON'T feel comfortable doing. And if you're in the middle of doing something that you thought you wanted to do, but change your mind, that's OK, too. You can stop any time you want to.

Although, sex it's something like "free time enjoyable" we must take into account that responsibility is the first thing we have to considered, we can talk about with our parents it can be a little embarrassing, but it's definitely worth starting the conversation. Many parents and other adults you trust can offer great information and advice about sex, health, and staying safe.

So, for today is much sermon, hahaha I hope you visit my blog for my next article that going to be more interesting, I promise...

Greetings! :D