Wednesday, January 28, 2015

It's time to end the broken Condom...

Hi guys!

Today I'm going to write about this topic 'cause I believe that sometimes all of you have been thinking about this thing! I KNOW! Probably is a thought or feeling like fear for the consequences that can occur after this, but now, you can be quiet, I'm going to show some tips for this... Let's do it!

Condoms are the only contraceptive method that protects while against sexually transmitted infections. The downside is that sometimes breaks during sex. What to do if need be? How to protect yourself?

How to react?

Avoid aggressive hygiene products, stick to wash with warm water. This does not mean you are immediately protected against STDs, but it limits the risk of infection. If some blood, semen or vaginal fluid has come into contact with a wound, desinféctala with alcohol or Betadine. If there is a real risk of infection goes for 48 hours at a center of family prevention to treatment indicate that you should follow to avoid infection. Similarly, you should get tested for HIV during the 15 days and will be repeated every three months mandatory to make sure you have not contracted the AIDS virus.

To prevent pregnancy
If you want to avoid an unwanted pregnancy have no choice and must take the morning after pill.
You have time until fulfilled after having intercourse 72 hours, but it is much better to take it within 12 hours after the accident so that the maximum effectiveness. The longer you take, the less protection guarantee provides the pill.

Some precautions to avoid accidents are that at the moment to open the condom don't open the wrapper with your teeth because could be damage, Also, avoid Scratch when you unroll the condom and put on the limb, take into account that if you use very large condoms It has more posibilites to broke.

Do you have had some experience with this issue?

No problem, now, You know what can you doing... :D

Comments or suggestions please write me down!

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