Thursday, January 29, 2015

¡Very interesting! Ö

Dear Bloggers! 

Today I'm going to share with you some really really surprising things which are related with past, present, and future of birth control.
I have been reading an articles about birth control but I never imagine that this kind of prevention could exist in our future or existed in the past... 
Read it because you going to have  a face expression like me. Very WOW!  HAHAHA! 

1. In the not-too-distant past, some women used to flush out their vaginas with Coca-Cola after sex in an attempt to prevent pregnancy. Can you imagine doing yourselfs? (woman) It's really incredible that the woman in the past can do it I don't know If this method of prevention was effective but people said that actually worked. Also, subsequent research found that soda isn’t all that effective as a contraceptive and can potentially lead to vaginal infections.

2. Equally disturbing is that Lysol which was a  “feminine hygiene product” was also used as an after-sex douche to prevent pregnancy by some women in the past. Just like Coca-Cola, though, it wasn’t all that effective and had some negative side effects, probably burned like hell. :O 

3. Animal Intestines were the most popular material used for making condoms. Some condoms are still made from this today, but they have largely fallen out of favor because they are costlier to produce than latex. Also, while they may be effective at preventing pregnancy, animal membranes are thought to be too porous to serve as an effective barrier to most sexually transmitted infections.

4. Accounting for human error, the withdrawal method (also known as “pull and pray” or “coitus interruptus”) is almost as effective as condoms at preventing pregnancy.  How can this be? Because people make a lot of mistakes when it comes to using condoms. A man who uses withdrawal will pull his penis out of the vagina before ejaculation: the moment when semen spurts out of his penis. 

well guys,  those were the most relevant things to share with you, I hope you enjoy it and comment! Do you like the post?


  1. Coca-cola'???' Oh my God! your post is VERY VERY INTERESTING!!!

  2. Coca-cola'???' Oh my God! your post is VERY VERY INTERESTING!!!
