Saturday, January 24, 2015

Alcohol and drugs combined with sex....

At this moment I was thinking about pregnancy and I said "Why not?" I'm gonna write about this problem and something related with...

Now, I would like to mention some problems or consequences that can occur when we consume drugs and alcohol excessively. Have you been in some place full of this two elements? I think you are very lucky, because most of the girls between 15-18 years old, are looking this moments just for be popular, the reality is that the only thing you are looking for is be hurt, WHY? Let's see...

Being drunk or high can cause you to do sexual things that you wouldn't normally want to do. 
Mixing sex with drugs and alcohol can increase your risk of unintended pregnancy and STDs. 
If you have sex with someone who's drunk or high, it could be considered a crime.

Please my bloggers, Pay attention when you are doing this, because  for one simply reason: not use condoms correctly, you will be mother or father...

;) Huge hug.


1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you've punblished, It is true, currently we see many teen moms on average from 14- 16 years old and it's sad because i think that the children are the ones that come to the world to suffer and things like that because of the irresponsibility of their parents.
